Guiding Stars has been publicly cited as a program that positively impacts eating behaviour
Promising results were seen just after one year of implementation. Selection of whole milk with no stars dropped – while fat-free milk, three stars, increased. Selection of breakfast cereals with stars increased three and a half times more than no-star cereals. Selection of fattier meats declined, and starred chicken grew at nearly 5 percent.
Speech from Former U.S. Surgeon General Steven K. Galston:
The Weight of the Nation
The simplicity and user friendliness of the 0, 1, 2, 3 stars rating system works well not only in stores, but also in corporate cafeterias, university dining halls, and hospital cafeterias.
Launched as a nutrition guidance program within supermarkets, Guiding Stars has quickly demonstrated its value as a key nutrition guidance component in the incentive programs of health plans, as well as health and wellness programs offered by employers to their employees.
Just as each person has different dietary needs, so does your business. Guiding Stars is not a one-size-fits-all program.
From optimizing food product formulations to store signage, Guiding Stars is a versatile program that can benefit a wide variety of businesses and organizations. As a strategic partner and licensee, we’ll work with you to customize a seamless integration of Guiding Stars with your product, program or service.
Take a few minutes to fill out the request form, and we’ll call you to discuss how your business can benefit from the growing spotlight on nutrition and the simplicity of following the Stars.