Look for the Guiding Stars pointing you to nutritious food options for you and your family.
In supermarkets featuring the program, you can find Guiding Stars throughout the store – in produce, packaged food aisles, seafood, dairy, the meat counter, and the bakery. You will also find Guiding Stars on shelf unit price tags for foods earning stars. If you don’t see Guiding Stars on the price tag, it means one of three things. Either a food didn’t meet the standards to earn a star, or the category is not rated by Guiding Stars—such as alcoholic beverages and products containing less than 5 calories per serving like bottled water, dried spices, tea and coffee, or the item is new to the store and has not yet finished being rated.
As has been the case in the U.S., it is anticipated that Guiding Stars may expand from supermarkets into university dining halls, corporate cafeterias, and hospital cafeterias in Canada over time.