Our Guiding Stars patented algorithm is available to the public.
The Guiding Stars program received patent protection (US Patent No. 7,974,881) in July 2011. In the fall of the same year, we made our algorithm available to the public. We are proud to be the first nutrition guidance program to take this step, which we hope will benefit the public through influencing both food manufacturing practices and public policy on nutrition labeling, ultimately benefiting consumers looking for an easy way to identify more nutritious foods. The article can be found in the November/December 2011 issue of the American Journal of Health Promotion.
Read the Guiding Stars backgrounder Understanding the Science behind the Guiding Stars® Algorithm for Canada (Français) for an in-depth look at our algorithm.
What the Industry is Saying
It’s lost on no one that the hypothetical label delivered to the FDA by the independent expert panel includes a three-icon component almost identical to Guiding Stars. By publishing the algorithm, Guiding Stars is showing consumers, the industry and the FDA just how qualified it is to become the nation’s single nutrition standard. – Bob Vosburgh
The Lempert Report agrees with the company that the publication of the algorithm will allow the public to fully understand the basis for the nutritional ratings of foods. It’s an absolute step in the right direction. – Phil Lempert